Offene Abschlussarbeitsthemen
Wir vergeben kontinuierlich spannende Themen für BSc- und MSc-Arbeiten mit den Schwerpunkten Mikrobiologie und Genetik der Pilze sowie im Bereich Pilz-Holz-Komposite.
Beispielhafte Themen kommen aus den Bereichen:
- Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von Pilzen aus Umweltproben
- Physiologische Antwort auf unterschiedliche C-Quellen
- Molekulare Regulationswege der Substraterkennung und –nutzung
- Zuckertransportprozesse
- Bioengineering des pilzlichen C-Metabolismus
- Optimierung der Herstellung nachhaltiger Kompositmaterialien aus Pilzen
- Überdurchschnittlich abgeschlossenes Bachelorstudium im Bereich Biologie, Biotechnologie, Bioprozesstechnik o.ä. (auch andere nach Absprache)
- Erfahrungen mit mikrobiologischen und genetischen Arbeitstechniken von Vorteil
- Gute Englisch- und Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
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Abgeschlossene Abschlussarbeiten
Sebastian Wagner (BSc thesis Biology; 02/2019)
“Untersuchung potentiell fungizider/fungistatischer Eigenschaften von ionischen Flüssigkeiten in Verwendung bei der Papierrestaurierung“
Lisa T. Kohler (MSc thesis Molecular Biotechnology; 12/2018)
“Optimizing protein expression in filamentous fungi: characterization of constitutive promoters for defined expression tuning and targeted knock-out of antagonistic transcriptional regulators using CRISPR/Cas9”
Katharina Stallinger (MSc thesis Molecular Biotechnology; 11/2018)
“Characterization of pectate lyases and corresponding sugar transporters in Neurospora crassa”
Valerija Erceg (BSc thesis Biology; 09/2018)
"Anwendung einer Bioautographie zur Prüfung der Bioaktivität von Extraktstoffen aus Tropenholz"
Romain Dieschbourg (BSc thesis Forestry and Wood Science; 08/2018)
"Untersuchung zu Befall und Lebenszyklus von Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii in Bayern unter Berücksichtigung der Douglasienherkünfte"
Florian Krabichler (MSc thesis Biology; 05/2018)
“Development of activation-independent fungal Zn2Cys6 transcription factor hybrids as a tool to study unexpressed regulons”
Sonja Magosch (BSc thesis Biology; 02/2018)
“Physiological and enzymatic characterization of key steps in galacturonic acid catabolism of the genus Rhodosporidium/Rhodotorula”
To-Nga Thi Pham (MSc thesis Molecular Biotechnology; 11/2017)
“Biological-chemical analysis of wood press water for the biotechnological production of lignocellulases in fungal fermentations”
Max Lehenberger (MSc thesis Forestry and Wood Science; 11/2017)
“Ambrosia-fungi associated with the bark beetle genus Trypodendron - Fungal isolation, identification and physiological characterization of their wood-degrading potential including a morphological analysis of the spore-carrying organ, the mycetangia”
Kevin Schmitz (MSc thesis Molecular Biotechnology; 10/2017)
“Protein secretion via peroxisome repurposing as secretory vesicles in Saccharomyces cerevisiae”
Magdalena Hackhofer (MSc thesis Molecular Biotechnology; 04-09/2017)
"Molecular and Biochemical Characterization of the Pectinolytic Potential of Two Basidiomycete Red Yeasts: Rhodotorula mucilaginosa and Rhodosporidium toruloides"
Diana Young (MSc thesis Sustainable Resource Management; 10/2016-04/2017)
“Isolation and Identification of fungi along One-step and Two-step Biogas Plants - Aerobic and Anaerobic Fungi in Biogas Production Processes”
Christopher Grosse (MSc thesis Biology; 05/2016-02/2017)
“Molecular characterization of a putative link between circadian rhythm and pectin degradation in Neurospora crassa”
Manfred Reppke (BSc thesis Bioprocess Engineering; 05-08/2016)
“An analysis of the determining physico-chemical features of microcrystalline celluloses on their suitability as substrates for cellulase production in filamentous fungi”
Isabell Hafermann (MSc thesis Biology; 01-07/2016)
“Characterization of sugar transport capacities of Neurospora crassa – towards a sugar transportome”
Axel Dietschmann (MSc thesis Biology; 05-12/2015)
“Deciphering L-rhamnose mediated pectin degradation signaling in the model filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa”
Andreas Kuhn (MSc thesis Forestry and Wood Science; 01-08/2015)
“The Effect of Nutrient Starvation on Postia Placenta Gene Expression“
Martina Kölle (MSc thesis Forestry and Wood Science; 04-10/2014)
“The effect of wood modification on Postia placenta gene expression in the chelator mediated Fenton machinery”
Simon Michael Algeier (MSc thesis Forestry and Wood Science; 08/2013-04/2014)
“Biologischer Abbau von furfuryliertem Holz durch ausgewählte Basidiomyceten“