Prof. Dr. Gabriele Weber-Blaschke

Research Area Resource Flow Management
Wood Research Munich
Location Freising - Weihenstephan
Tel. +49 8161 71 5635
Academic Career
since 10/2010 | Head of the Research Group Resource Flow Management at the Wood Research Munich, Technical University of Munich |
since 11/2013 | Adjunct Professor at Technical University Munich |
2006 | Adjunct Teaching Professor for “Resource Management” at Technical University Munich (TUM) |
2005 | Guest Lecturer at the NTU Singapore/GIST German Institute of Science and Technology, Master Program “Industrial Ecology” |
2005 | Postdoctoral Lecturer Qualification for the Research Area „Resource Management“ at the TUM Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering |
2003 - 2010 | Postdoctoral Lecturer and Senior Researcher at the TUM Chair of Resource and Energy Technology |
1998 - 2003 | Postdoctoral Lecturer and Research Associate at the TUM Chair and Laboratory of Water Quality Control and Waste Management |
1998 | Doctorate (Dr. rer. silv.) at the Department of Forest Science at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München (LMU München) |
1995 - 1996 | Student of Environmental Engineering at TUM with the Technical Qualification for Officers according to BimSchG und WHG |
1995 - 1998 | PhD student and Research Associate at the Chair of Soil Science at LMU München |
1993 - 1994 | Forest Manager at the Forest and Real Estate Administration Freiherr von Holzschuher, Gymnich b. Köln |
1991 - 1993 | Forest Civil Servant on Probation at the Bavarian State Forest Administration, State Examination 1993 (Forstassessorin) |
1986 - 1991 | Student of Forest Science at the LMU München, Diploma Examination 1991 (Diplom-Forstwirtin (Univ.))
- Management and Supervision of Research Projects
- Supervision of Postdocs, PhD, Master and Bachelor Theses
- Reviewer for Several Scientific Journals, e.g. Journal of Industrial Ecology, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Waste Management Research, Engineering in Life Sciences, European Journal of Forest Research, Forestry, European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
- Coordinator of the Field of Specialization „Material Flow and Waste Management“ in the Master Program “Sustainable Resource Management” (since 2003)
- Chairwoman of the Examination Board for the Master Program “Sustainable Resource Management” (since 2017)
- Chairwoman of the Examination Board for Forest Science (Bachelor and Master Programs) (since 2019)
- Charta for Wood 2.0 at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Working Group "Material and Energy Efficiency" (since 2020)
- Scienitific Advisory Board of Forest Policy at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (since 2023)
- Advisory Board Bioeconomy Bavaria at the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy (since 2024)
Research Area
Material Flow Management of Renewable Resources, especially Wood, including Material Flow Analysis, Life Cycle Assessment, Sustainability Evaluation, Industrial Ecology
- Bachelor's study program "Forstwissenschaft und Ressourcenmanagement"
- Rohstoffmärkte, Ökobilanzierung, Waldzertifizierung
- Master's study program "Forst- und Holzwissenschaft"
- Aktuelle Entwicklung in der Holzforschung
- Wood-based Bioeconomy: Assessment of Innovative Wood Product Systems
- Master's study program "Sustainable Resource Management"
- Scientific Writing
- Master’s Thesis Proposals
- Material Flow Management and Application
Publications (Selection)
Weber-Blaschke, G.; 2009: Stoffstrommanagement als Instrument nachhaltiger Bewirtschaftung natürlicher und technischer Systeme. Ein kritischer Vergleich ausgewählter Beispiele. Schriftenreihe „Nachwachsende Rohstoffe in Forschung und Praxis“ des Wissenschaftszentrums Straubing, Bd. 1, Verlag Attenkofer, Straubing, 330 S. (Habilitationsschrift 2005, Technische Universität München).
Weber, G.; 1998: Wachstum und Ernährungszustand junger Eschen (Fraxinus excelsior L.) und Bergahorne (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) in Abhängigkeit von der Basen- und Aluminiumsättigung und vom Wasserhaushalt natürlicher Böden – Topfversuche und Freilandinventur. Hieronymus, München, 234 S. (Dissertation 1998, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München).
Most important publications of the last 5 years
Richter, K.; Helm, S.; Köhl, M.; Risse, M.; Weber-Blaschke, G.; 2023: Wood Utilization and Environmental Impacts. In: Niemz et al. 2023 (Eds.), Springer Handbook of Wood Science and Technology, Chapter 36, 1889-1947.
Sander-Titgemeyer, A.; Risse, M.; Weber-Blaschke, G.; 2023: Applying an Iterative Prospective LCA Approach to Emerging Wood-based Technologies: Three German Case Studies. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,
Szichta, P.; Risse, M.; Weber-Blaschke, G.; Richter, K.; 2022: Potentials for wood cascading: a model for the prediction of the recovery of timber in Germany. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 178, 106101;