Chair of Wood Science
Location Freising - Weihenstephan
Tel. +49 8161 71 4332
Since 06/2020 | Scientific researcher at the Chair of Wood Science, department Resource Flow Management, Technical University of Munich |
10/2019 – 05/2020 | Master thesis on the treatment of uncertainties in life cycle costing of power-to-fuels at the Institute for Energy Economics, Munich |
04/2019 – 07/2019 | Member of the training program AUDI FUTURE CLASS III in Design Thinking & agile work at AUDI AG, Ingolstadt |
10/2018 – 05/2020 | Master of Science in “Life Cycle and Sustainability” at the University of Applied Science Pforzheim |
12/2017 – 04/2018 | Scientific project coordinator of “Food Science Clips“ at the Institute of Sustainable Nutrition, University of Applied Science Münster |
02/2017 – 08/2017 | Research assistant in a project on analyzing the stakeholders of renewable energy production in Germany at the Institute of Finance and Accounting, Leuphana University of Lüneburg |
03/2015 – 12/2015 | Exchange student at Pontifícia Universidad del Perú in Lima with a scholarship by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) |
10/2013 – 09/2017 | Bachelor of Science at Leuphana University Lüneburg |
10/2012 – 09/2013 | Study of Biosciences at Westfalian Wilhelms University, Münster |
Research on the environmental impact of individual innovative utilizations of hardwood and their total effect and development as different scenarios in Bavaria. (Project LauBioek)
SANDER-TITGEMEYER, A.; RISSE, M.; WEBER-BLASCHKE, G. (2023): Applying an iterative prospective LCA approach to emerging wood-based technologies: three German case studies. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 28(5), 495-515.
- GRASHOF, K.; GUSS, H.; WEILER, K.; HOLSTENKAMP, L.; WELLE, L.; EHRTMANN, M.; MATSCHOSS, P.; ZECK, B.; DAHMEN, L.; HAUSCHKE, F.; SANDER-TITGEMEYER, A.; SCHREMS, I.; WIESNER, C.; MÖLLER, J. (2019): Detailauswertung der ersten Ausschreibungsrunde für Windenergie an Land – Implikationen für die Entwicklung des Monitorings von Akteursvielfalt. Entwicklung und Umsetzung eines Monitoringsystems zur Analyse der Akteursstruktur bei Freiflächen-Photovoltaik und der Windenergie an Land. Ed. by Umweltbundesamt. Dessau-Roßlau. Projektnr.: 37EV 16 137 0