Dr. Mika Hayashi

Research Area Resource Flow Management
Wood Research Munich
Location Freising - Weihenstephan
Tel. +49 8161 71 4344
Academic Career
Since 05 / 2023 | PostDoc at the Research Group Resource Flow Management of Wood Research Munich, Technical University of Munich (Project REGULUS: ISAR) |
2021-2023 | Research Associate at the Bavarian State Institute of Forestry (Project: BioReSt) |
2019-2021 | Research Associate at the Bavarian State Institute of Forestry (Project: Barkbiomass) |
2016-2019 | PhD (Environmental Resource Management) United Graduate School of Agriculture (Yamagata University, Japan) |
2014-2016 | Master of Agriculture, Forest Science Yamagata University, Japan |
2012-2015 | Master of Science, Geowissenschaften Leibniz-Universität, Hannover |
2009-2012 | Bachelor of Science, Geowissenschaften Leibniz-Universität, Hannover |
- Supporting scientific coordination/projekt management
- Head of the junior research group of the joint project REGULUS-ISAR
- Processing of the subproject: creating a recovered wood system model
- Supervise PhD, graduate and undergraduate students with topics related to the research project
- Stimm, K.; Hiendlmeier S.; Hayashi, M.; Borchert, H. (2022): Energieholzmarkt Bayern 2020.
- Abschlussbericht, Freising. 133 S. Enta A., Hayashi M., Lopez C.M.L., Fujiyoshi L., Yamanaka T., Oikawa A., Seidel F. 2019. Nitrogen resorption and fractionation during leaf senescence in typical tree species in Japan. Journal of Forestry Research
- Hayashi M., Lopez C.M.L., Nobori Y., Byambasuren M., Boy J., 2018. Nitrogen isotope pattern in Mongolian larch stands at the southern Eurasian boreal forest boundary. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 54(6):608-621.
- Lopez C.M.L., Nakano S., Ferrio J.P., Hayashi M., Nakatsuka T., Sano M., Yamanaka T., Nobori Y., 2018. Evaluation of the effect of the 2011 Tsunami on coastal forests by means of multiple isotopic analyses of tree rings. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 54(5):494-507.
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