Research topics are the processes used by filamentous fungi to degrade biomass with a focus on wood as substrate. These are particularly of interest for the generation of bioenergy from wood as renewable feedstock, but also for the development of novel wood preservation concepts. Central questions are how fungi perceive the composition of the plant cell walls on a molecular level, and adapt their metabolism accordingly to effectively degrade the substrate. These are elucidated using state-of-the-art methods in biochemistry and genetics.
The Fungal Biotechnology group in the News
Interview zum Wiederaufforstungsprojekt RESTORE mit dem BMBF
ANTENNE BAYERN-Moderatorin Kathie Kleff im Gespräch mit Prof. J. Philipp Benz im „GET HAPPY!“ Podcast: Fantastische Pilze
Forschung aus der Professur bei DokThema: Superhelden Pilze (BR DokThema)
Ohne Pilzbiotechnologie keine zirkuläre Bioökonomie (BMBF Wissenschaftsjahr 2020/21)
Wenn aus Pilzen Zukunft wird
Pilze als Medizin? Warum Pilze wichtig für die Entwicklung von Antibiotika sind (ARD Alpha Campus Talks)
New studies of the nutritional preferences of fungi provide a whole "buffet" of findings
Ambrosia beetles nurture their gardens of fungus with alcohol (Science News)
Why some beetles fly on alcohol
The high diversity of fungal volatilomes