On October 18, 2023, the CLAAS Foundation's Award Ceremony took place in the Greenhouse at the CLAAS site in Harsewinkel, where Jonathan Voß was in the spotlight. Jonathan was awarded the bonus prize of the CLAAS scholarship for his innovative and outstanding bachelor thesis, which was honored with a prize money of 1500€.
Jonathan Voß received the award for his bachelor thesis titled "Development of a Climate Sensor Station to Analyze Small Scale Micro Climate Heterogeneities in an Indoor Farming System". The work was supervised by Sebastian Eichelsbacher and Senthold Asseng.
In his bachelor thesis, Jonathan Voß developed a battery-powered, wireless sensor system for analyzing differences in microclimate in indoor farming systems. The system provides high precision in sensing temperature, humidity, light and CO2 concentrations, as well as remote monitoring. The results show significant temperature variations, mean humidity gradients, and decreased CO2 availability in the experiments, highlighting the importance of monitoring microclimatic differences in the plant populations of closed vertical farming systems. The event was accompained by a factory tour at CLAAS. This enabled the guests to gain an insight into the latest technologies and innovations in the agricultural industry. On the eve of the actual award ceremony, there was also a festive kick-off event with poster presentations at which Jonathan presented his project. The participants were able to admire a wide range of outstanding final theses, both from national and international students.
We congratulate not only Jonathan, but also all the other award winners for their outstanding achievements and wish them all the best in their future endeavors.