Technical University of Munich
Weihenstephan Science Centre
Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum 2, 85354 Freising
Phone: +49.8161.71.2296
Fax: +49.8161.71.4216
1983 - 1988 | Studied Food Chemistry at the University of Kaiserslautern and obtained the First State Examination for Food Chemists |
1989 | Second State Examination for Food Chemists at the Chemical Examination Office Speyer |
1996 | Ph.D. at the Technical University of Munich on Aroma Compounds in Toasted White Bread |
2003 | Habilitation at the Technical University of Munich on Stable Isotope Dilution Analysis in Food Chemistry, Nutritional Science, and Toxicology |
2003 | Venia legendi (teaching license) at the Technical University of Munich in Food Chemistry |
2007 | Offered the Chair of Bioanalytics/Food Chemistry at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn, declined in 2008 |
2008 - 2014 | Scientific Director at BIOANALYTIK Weihenstephan, Department of ZIEL, Technical University of Munich |
2009 | Appointment as Associate Professor at the Technical University of Munich |
2009 | Offered the Chair of Food Science at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, declined in 2009 |
since 2010 | University Professor and Head of the Chair of Analytical Food Chemistry at the Technical University of Munich at the Weihenstephan Science Center and the Faculty of Chemistry |
since 2014 | Chair of the Commission for Contaminants and Other Undesirable Substances in the Food Chain at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Berlin |
August 2015 | Visiting Professor and Lecturer at the University of Queensland, Australia |
since 2016 | Managing Director of the Research Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences at the Weihenstephan Science Center for Nutrition, Land Use, and Environment |
July 2016 | Appointment as "Honorary Professor" at the University of Queensland, Australia |
August - October 2016 | Visiting Professor and Lecturer at the National University of Singapore |
since 2018 | Lecturer in Food Toxicology at the University of Hong Kong |
June 2019 | Re-appointment as "Honorary Professor" at the University of Queensland, Australia |